Göta Canal

પ્રકાશિત: 06.09.2020

After a quiet night, we are already at the breakfast table early in the morning, full of excitement for the Göta Canal. Our tour continues to Töreboda, Hajstorp, Lyrestad, Sjötorp, Fägre, Halna, Karlsborg, and back to Undenäs. At these locks, there is usually a small nice café where you can watch the ships directly. We were lucky and got to watch ships at two locks, to our amazement at how fast and smooth it all goes. For dinner, we had freshly caught pike from the Göta Canal, a cozy card game, and a beautiful day comes to an end. A short route briefing for tomorrow and then off to bed.

Tour 114 km

જવાબ આપો

મુસાફરી અહેવાલો સ્વીડન

વધુ પ્રવાસ અહેવાલો