

પ્રકાશિત: 03.01.2022

Hello dear people :)

This is now our first post in our travel blog. We landed in Accra (capital of Ghana) on the 30th of December at around 8 PM and after an unusually expensive ($150) COVID test, loaded with a total of 30 documents, we were asked to enter a yellow fever vaccination separate, because Miri unfortunately lost her vaccination passport. A yellow fever vaccination certificate is one of many requirements to enter Ghana. After it became clear relatively quickly that the mostly unfriendly vaccination lady was after a Christmas gift in the form of cash, we gave her 50 euros and Miri received a new yellow fever vaccination passport and we were allowed to enter the country. Our pre-booked driver then drove us through the night and adventurous traffic of Accra to our Airbnb in Kokrobite (a district of Accra but somewhat outside by the beach). Arriving around 11 PM, we were greeted by a party with excessively loud speakers on the opposite side of the street, where the German regulatory office would certainly have initiated the necessary bureaucratic measures due to noise disturbance.

After a correspondingly short night, the next days were rather bumpy and our energy, which oscillated between exhaustion and overwhelmedness, didn't really match with the Ghanaian energy in the first few days. Here, both Christmas and New Year are celebrated around the clock at a decibel range that is rather unusual for our inner ears. In addition, most locals had time off, which made the beach visits sometimes incredibly exhausting, because here you can meet more new people in two minutes than in Germany in a whole year.

Fortunately, since the 2nd of January, it has settled down to a very pleasant level and we feel more and more comfortable and the constant sound barrage has also been reduced to a somewhat bearable level. With enough sleep and settled souls, the days can now be enjoyed very much and we are both getting better and better. Both with the weather (between 28 and 32 degrees - even at night) and with the people. Seeing smiling, unfamiliar faces without masks feels very good!

We still have two full days here and want to go surfing for the first time tomorrow. On Thursday, we will continue to a village called Winneba. From there, the next entry follows :)

A good start to the new year from Nico and Miri from Ghana :*

P.s. who can solve the riddle of our blog name? (In every further post there will be a new riddle)

જવાબ આપો (1)

irimocindizzy7631 🤔 🧐 Buchstaben vertauschen und es kommt raus: miri nico, aber dann?? izydiz?? geboren seid ihr 73 und 61? Nee das stimmt nicht. Wer hilft mir auf die Sprünge 😊 Ein toller Blog ist das, es macht viel Spaß das zu lesen. Wir freuen uns auf den nächsten Bericht! Liebe Grüße von Mary und Bernard 🥰

મુસાફરી અહેવાલો ઘાના

વધુ પ્રવાસ અહેવાલો