Day 9: Padang Bai - Gili Trawangan

પ્રકાશિત: 02.07.2018

Since we were supposed to be picked up at 8 o'clock, breakfast was already served at 7:15. After breakfast, we had to pack our suitcases again and check out.

We were picked up by a big bus, which indicated that we would pick up more people. So we initially went in the opposite direction. We drove to two more hotels to pick up people. Then we finally headed towards the departure point.

When we arrived there, we labeled our suitcases with the correct destination island and each of us received a sticker. Then it was time to wait again. They take it very easy here.

After a while, we were finally able to board the boat. There were comfortable seats downstairs and you could open the windows. Our boat started towards Gili Trawangan at around 9:45. Thanks to the motion sickness tablet that I had taken in advance, I closed my eyes after a short time. I woke up briefly when I got a splash of water in my face and decided to close the window a bit more and continued sleeping until we arrived at Gili Trawangan.

You would land in the sand with a jump from the boat and be arrived. After we all had our suitcases, we set out to find a horse-drawn carriage. These so-called Cidomos are the main means of transport on the island. Two Cidomos took Anna, Dad, and me to the hotel - Bastian preferred to walk the distance.

After we had settled into our rooms, we set out to find a restaurant. We had lunch at a small restaurant on the beach.

Afterwards, Dad and I went to the pool while Anna and Bastian went for cocktails and met two girls from Münster. They spent the rest of the evening with them.

Dad and I chose a nice restaurant on the beach and were able to watch Pirates of the Caribbean on a big screen during dinner.

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