30મી જાન્યુઆરી, 2020, ઘાનામાં મારો 20મો જન્મદિવસ

પ્રકાશિત: 12.02.2020

Today was a really beautiful and unforgettable day!
Honestly, I was prepared for my host family to not necessarily know that it's my birthday and for the day to be just like any other day.
But my host family knew, and everyone wished me a loving happy birthday this morning.
Then it was off to school like every day, and since I have already visited all the classes, I decided to visit my host sister Auntie Maureen's 5th grade class again today because I really like that class.
Everyone then sang for me, and in the second period, all the teachers suddenly came into the room with a traditional cake and sang for me (see pictures).
The cake was made of yam root, shrimp powder, tomatoes, and palm oil. There were also boiled eggs on the side, and after everyone prayed for me, we all enjoyed the cake, which was really delicious.
After taking a lot of pictures with all the children, the second surprise followed after lunch break...
My host sister took me to a decorated classroom where all the teachers were already waiting.
Everyone sang, and there was non-alcoholic champagne and a super sweet but still tasty chocolate cake.
The atmosphere was really beautiful and festive, and I was truly thrilled about the surprise! In general, I was also very happy about every single person who reached out to me via WhatsApp, Facebook, etc. and wished me a happy birthday :)
Thanks again to everyone!
I'm also very happy that you reach out to me so often. That's really wonderful!!! I am incredibly grateful to be able to have this experience here and to get to know so many different lovely people and their culture.
I have also slowly gotten used to all the cultural shocks and settled in really well.
Now, this coming Sunday, I will have already experienced one third of my time here in Ghana... it's truly amazing!
જવાબ આપો (1)

Hej Caro, deine Berichte sind immer der Hammer! Ich freue mich jedes mal, dass du uns auf diese Weise ein Stück auf deine Reise mitnimmst! Ich habe beim Lesen schon das Gefühl einen Kulturschock zu bekommen, wie geht es dir erst live vor Ort. Danke für deine tollen Texte Caro! Moin, Sören

મુસાફરી અહેવાલો ઘાના