Haida Gwaii

પ્રકાશિત: 14.03.2018

Then on Saturday I flew to Haida Gwaii with this ridiculously small airplane and said goodbye to the Brazilians at the airport.

Daniel picked me up a little late, but I knew he would, and we zoomed through nothingness. Then there was a ferry. And more nothingness. Masset is a super cute little village. I can't describe it. At least not with as many words as I'm willing to write here xD

On Sunday without Natalie, who had to work, we drove to a small forest cabin in the northeast and spent the night there, explored the beach, and went to the northernmost point of the island, watching sea lions and collecting seashells. I have great ideas for gifts and earrings :D

Yesterday we made soap together xD we're on a roll. In the evening, we were invited to participate in a dance and singing meetup (stupid name, but I can't think of anything better right now) with the indigenous people. So we drummed and danced together, which was really cool.

Today we met an older couple, she's from Australia and he's from Austria. They have a super cute little house. He's really into herbal medicine and does a lot of wood carving. He just gave us two carved wooden bowls that he made. Such an amazing guy.

Well, now we're packing our stuff and getting ready for the JOURNEY BACK HOME.

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