Good path... or so

પ્રકાશિત: 25.01.2017

About 23 km were on the agenda. A nice piece of walking in full 'Mount Everest Base Camp' gear.

After a very extensive breakfast ('today we can walk again, we'll walk it all off anyway'), we strolled off.

The designated direction was Lavra, a region behind Porto. The funny thing was that we walked back the way we had driven from the airport to the hotel before. But it doesn't help; you have to start somewhere.

Along the way, we found a fish market, which is probably typical for this area.

Well, always passing by the roaring waves of the Atlantic on a well-developed wooden path heading north.

You already feel like a little explorer when you realize that you belong to the pilgrim community. You are kindly smiled at by longtime Portuguese locals along the way and we are wished a good path, Bom caminho.

Or someone calls this to you from behind, who then turns out to be an experienced pilgrim themselves. You chat briefly, exchange information, and then each go their separate ways.

While you see the blue Atlantic with its beach inhabitants to the left (unrealistically large, fat seagulls, stray dogs, a mass of mussels, as well as ducks and geese), a large part of the path to the right is an industrial area. But that doesn't bother much.

Even though your feet are starting to burn after 20 km, the motto is: keep going... to finally arrive at the 'Orbitur angeiras' campsite. Here we are now in a small bungalow. Not luxurious, but functional. Because we are pilgrims after all.

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