One week - or half an eternity

પ્રકાશિત: 22.08.2016

Dear all!

I can hardly believe that I've only been here for just under a week! It feels like half an eternity or at least a few weeks. Let me tell you how things have been going so far:

This semester alone, over 500 international students are coming to the University of Aarhus. So, lots of people. I thought to myself, there must be a few new friends for me among them. :) And indeed, I quickly found a small group that I now meet with almost every day. We cook together, stroll through the city, and this week we even went together to a 'Deer Park' where we could pet and feed deer and deer.

We also noticed that EVERYONE - no matter which country they come from - had the same anxieties before studying abroad. Everyone was a bit nervous about what to expect there, whether they would find nice people, and how they would fit in. But now I can say that this was completely unfounded. Everyone is so nice and helpful, and after just one week, I already feel very at home.

Speaking of home: Yesterday, as announced, I moved into my actual apartment. After a unfortunately very laborious cleaning session, I could finally unpack and settle in. But now everything is in place and I feel very comfortable.

My apartment is located on a kind of jetty that juts into the sea. This morning, I was woken up by seagulls, and the first thing I see through the window is the city of Aarhus and the harbor. That's something very special. The dormitory (actually, 'dormitory' is a bit of an understatement) is 11 floors high, and there is even a rooftop terrace at the top. You have a great view all around! It's completely modern and located in a very up-and-coming and popular area. A lot is being built here at the moment because Aarhus will be the European Capital of Culture next year. The many construction sites should not be a bother. The view is still amazing.

Tomorrow is the first intro day at the university - I'm curious!

જવાબ આપો (2)

.....Super Fotos. Wenn ich' s nicht selbst gesehen hätte, könnte ich es kaum glauben. Eine wirklich tolle Stadt, dieses Aarhus. Viel Spass noch und viele nette Kontakte. VG HP

Aarhus ist ja 2017 Kulturhauptstadt. Uns gefällt die Regenbogen-Installation auf dem Dach des ARoS Kunstmuseums-von hier hat man einen ganz besonderen Blick auf das schöne Aarhus. Wir wünschen einen tollen Sommer in Aarhus LG Ute
