6th day hike in Corcovado

उजवाडाक आयलां: 24.03.2019

Once again an early start to leave at 6 with the boat. After one hour drive and more jumping mantas we arrived at the beach. There we were greeted by a tapir right away. What a surprise, these animals are not often seen here. He strolled comfortably along the beach.

Then we went in a group of six with a guide to the ranger station. It's always amazing what you can see with them, things you would otherwise overlook in the forest. Including peccaries (wild boars), agoutis (looks like a large guinea pig), toucans, macaws, all four species of monkeys that occur here. Always a successful show.

In the ranger station La Sirena there was a lunch (burritos, fruit and cake). Unfortunately, Wolfgang is having some problems right now and couldn't really enjoy it. Then we went back to the boat. On the way, we finally saw a sloth properly. It's easier to photograph. Birds always fly away immediately 😂.

After the boat ride back we were picked up again by the hosts. I'm really fascinated by how well organized everything is here.

As always, we were exhausted first. Luckily, you can relax wonderfully here.

जाप (1)

Dann hoffen wir, dass Wolfgang bald wieder fit ist.

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