And then Saigon

उजवाडाक आयलां: 11.03.2019

Last Friday we once again packed our backpacks and set off for Ho Chi Minh City. Not on foot, but in a very comfortable bus, called a 'sleeper'. That was new for us too and we were very impressed, it has a kind of reclining seat, almost like a bed, legs stretched out.

There was functional Wi-Fi as well. So a very pleasant way to travel.

In Ho Chi Minh City we are staying in a nice apartment where we feel very comfortable. This is necessary because the city is very exhausting. The noise, the heat, the crazy traffic, the smell and the size, all together take a toll on us. But it is also exciting: the skyscrapers of all sizes and shapes.

One even burned when we passed by and the question arises, how can the really big ones be extinguished? The capacity of the ladder seemed exhausted already.
There are also many beautiful old buildings from the time of French colonization: the town hall, the opera, many hotels and the main post office, where we sent a real letter

And the Reunification Palace, a gem in 60s architecture.

The War Remnants Museum was very impressive and terribly oppressive, it shows with many photos and information the years-long war and its consequences for this country.

Since we understood the public transport system, we can also handle the long distances well. The single ticket costs 20 cents.
Today we went to the Chinese quarter, called Cholon 'big market', there is also a large selection of all kinds of goods waiting for you. Plus a lot of Taoist temples. Simply exciting.

We think that we will see a lot in the next two days as well.


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