Last stop: Bangkok

उजवाडाक आयलां: 02.07.2019

'Bangkok is crazy' said our hotel owner, thinking of the constant traffic, noise, and hustle and bustle. It is really crazy noisy. It stinks disgustingly in parts. It is huge big.

But it's also fascinating to see the skyscrapers in their diversity,
the ultra-modern shopping malls
where you always wonder who is going to buy the luxury goods
We spent Sunday with Ines at the Chatuchak Market and we didn't even see half of it in four hours

In the evening we went to the tourist party mile Khao San
After Ines' departure, Michael and I spent Monday and Tuesday 'skyscraper watching', we used all public transport. Our favorite are the boats on the canals and the river

We also like the small and large parks, where people do their jogging rounds and gymnastics
We visited the white temple Wat Arun, which we had missed before

The city is so big, you could probably spend a year here and still discover something new. But we don't want to. We want to finally go back home to our idyllic and green Freiburg, to our friends and loved ones
Half a year has passed and that was long enough


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