Let the adventure begin...

उजवाडाक आयलां: 13.09.2016

Let's go - my first stop takes me to Mainz. You have to start slowly after all. 😋 Completely relaxed and without stress. Where is the best place to do that? At my brother's, Jule, and the most amazing baby in the world, my 7-month-old niece!

But of course, not everything starts off smoothly. My flight was delayed by 1.5 hours... But luckily, when you have 6 months of vacation, you don't really mind. 😊

Over the next five days, there was a lot of laughter - Clara is smiling 24/7 - good food, lots of talking, getting some things done, shooting a bow with friends in the Husrück - like Robin Hood, talents everywhere you look; thanks Joscha - and grilling, driving to the eye clinic - why not try out the international health insurance that also applies at home - and sleeping a lot. Wonderful five days that unfortunately went by too quickly. And as always, saying goodbye to loved ones is not easy...


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