Asturias cried when I left

उजवाडाक आयलां: 20.08.2016

As I was on my way to Ribadeo (the Galician border town) today, it was raining cats and dogs. At the time, I was completely alone, 4 of my fellow pilgrims were ahead of me and a female pilgrim was behind me. However, I couldn't see any other pilgrims miles away from me, neither in front nor behind me. I was soaked and somehow lost, even though I was following the arrows.

Two days ago, Marco said that the Camino is like a whole life and a day on the Camino equals a period of about 3 years, because the physical and mental experiences here are so intense.

Today felt like an episode in everyone's life. There are times when you are alone and lost despite a bigger plan and have to deal with all adversities on your own, even though you started as a group and find each other again at the end of the day. The thought of sitting together and talking in the evening helps to overcome the loneliness, the challenge and to cope with the difficulties. I think it's the same in real life, except that it takes not one day but maybe three years.
