Saint Louis part one

उजवाडाक आयलां: 28.03.2018

Saturday. Finally the weekend. But not for travel group no.weird.

We went to St. Louis, a city with about 300,000 inhabitants, located exactly on the border of the states of Illinois and Missouri. Thanks to the short night, the 90-minute drive could mostly be spent sleeping. Our first stop was the Art Museum. There were various works of art from all eras of history to see. Due to Wi-Fi and extremely comfortable seating, most members of the travel group were no longer to be found in the aisles after half an hour. The second stop and probably also the highlight of the day was the Skyzone. Comparable to the German 'Jumphouse', the Skyzone is a trampoline hall. In addition to regular trampolines, dodgeball and foam pits, there was also a climbing wall, as well as parkour and dunking stations. After an hour, the booked time but also the strength was exhausted. Now it was time for the mall. Two hours combined with a variety of shops and better prices made wallets shrink significantly. After that, the best part of the day followed - the Cheesecake Factory. The 20-minute wait was tough, but it was made up for with extremely delicious and plentiful food. Unfortunately, the main course was so filling that there was no room left for the actual cheesecake. Satisfied, we headed to the hotel. The Downtown Hyatt Hotel. The rooms were very spacious (four teenagers in a double room were no problem) and the four-star rating was clearly noticeable. The large windows offered a chic view of the city. Unfortunately, we had to leave our view after half an hour and visit the City Museum. The City Museum is not really a museum, rather an amusement park or 'playhouse'. It was like a mishmash of unrelated things that someone had put in an old factory building. There was a tunnel system, slides, and even a play area for young children. Up to the age of thirteen, you can probably have a lot of fun there. However, if you have surpassed the 1.60m mark, it is simply disturbing. We were simply too old both mentally and physically for this place. So it happened that we returned to the hotel after only 2 instead of the planned 4 hours. Thus, this day ended at 11:00 p.m.

In conclusion, it can be said that the entire day was long but interesting. The time wasted at the City Museum could have been skipped and the time could have been used to relax at the hotel. But well, no one can know that.

PS: our beloved teachers had a peaceful weekend. They were not in Saint Louis, the trip was planned by the host parents. 

Felix H. 
