Trinidad - Colonial Beauty

उजवाडाक आयलां: 15.06.2017

After a short stay in Sancti Spiritus, we headed to Trinidad. Our longest stop on our road trip. We arrived at our hostel and were greeted by our hostel dog. A husky in the middle of Cuba. We haven't seen that before. :D The hostel family is ultra friendly and we feel comfortable from the beginning. The city turns out to be a true paradise for lovers of colonial style. There are beautiful winding alleys and lots of colorful houses, bars and cafes. Here you can just drift away. However, if you leave the historic city center and move to areas outside this core, you will quickly notice the differences. In these districts, the colors fade a bit more and the Cuban island kingdom shows its other side of the coin, which also has its own charm. In the evening, you can have just as much fun as during the day, and it's not because of the numerous mojitos, because they are available all day long. ;) We let ourselves drift and end up one evening in a cave that has been converted into a disco. It feels great to party in a cave. And so we come to the conclusion... that was a great evening. :D Apart from the city center, we visit Playa Ancon several times, which is located slightly south and outside of Trinidad. Here we get the desired Caribbean feeling again and we stay here for quite a long time, enjoying the beauty of this island once again. Furthermore, we visit a small viewpoint northeast of the city, which offers an impressive view of the sugar cane valley. In the distance, you can see the plantations and the historic mills that were used for sugar cane production before the industrial revolution.

After three nights, we leave the World Heritage town of Trinidad and continue our road trip to Cienfuegos. The alleged pearl of Cuba. We are excited.

As always, there will be more news soon. Until then,

Your Marius and Max


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