Last week

उजवाडाक आयलां: 19.11.2019

After Janosch's latest achievement, we now regularly unpack the surfboard. Provided the waves play along. We drove from La Zenia to Las Negras because we met René from the caravan there. While driving, we realized once again how mountainous Spain is. I wasn't aware that there are so many mountains in Spain and that they all seem to be on the coast. I thought every coast was basically flat. I've learned something new! :) After passing the sign 'Andalusia', the landscape changed suddenly. The color of the rocks changed, it became slightly greener, and the houses became more beautiful :)

At the square in Las Negras, we immediately met new people and parked the cars together. Now our castle is guarded by Buddy, a little dog with ADHD, and we enjoy the place. On Sundays, we all drove to Cabo de Gata for surfing, but the waves were not good. So we spent the rest of the day playing in the camper, as the weather became rough. At night, it reached its peak and we were lying in the swaying bunk. I was really scared and went to sleep on the couch, where it didn't shake as much. Well, everything is intact and we also survived with little sleep.

जाप (1)

So gewackelt hat der Dübel, ja, das kenne ich! Da kann einem schon ganz anders werden! Aber ihr habt es gut überstanden und inzwischen hat sich sicher auch das Wetter beruhigt. Meike, guck doch mal in deine WhatsApp, da gibt es eine Nachricht von mir. Bei uns geht es im Augenblick richtig gut und wir genießen das beides sehr Punkt die chinesische Medizin samt Akupunktur hat Görtz Bronchen beruhigt. Gerd soll es heißen! Wo werdet ihr an Janoschs geburtstag sein? Ich kann ihm ja dieses Jahr gar kein Päckchen schicken mit Weihnachtsplätzchen und so! Das ist richtig schade. Kann ich schlecht im Sommer nachholen oder? Lasst es Euch weiter gut gehen, wir denken viel an euch Punkt liebste Grüße von Omi und Opa