18.9.18 Via Alpina: Sargans - Weisstannen

उजवाडाक आयलां: 18.09.2018

Now the time has come and the first part of my break starts. After a wonderful farewell party with all my colleagues from Zuger Kantonsspital, I handed over the party location in the morning, packed my backpack at home, and shortly after twelve o'clock I took the train to Sargans. At this point, I have to thank Anne for valuable tips. She is an experienced Jacobsway traveler, a former colleague, and she told me that my backpack should not weigh more than ten kilos. That's exactly how heavy mine is, and that's all I want to carry... So I started off towards Weisstannental via Sargans and Mels. It drizzles a little in between, but generally the sunshine prevails. The initial climb is steep and then the hiking trail winds its way back into the valley. Magnificent, and suddenly there are 4 chamois in front of me. That's definitely a wow moment. After a good 3 hours, 13 km, and 700 meters of ascent, I arrive in Weisstannen. I really enjoyed the first day on the Via Alpina, I got used to the backpack, and I'm looking forward to everything else. I have already reserved a room in advance at the Hotel Gemse, which turned out to be a good decision. Everything is closed here today, a couple from the canton of Fribourg is also still here, and the owner of the house is cooking simple Cordon Bleu for us!!! My room has a balcony where I peacefully end the evening....

जाप (1)

Liebe Reisende, das tönt ja für den Anfang schon mal recht interessant und wir sind sehr gespannt, was du noch alles erlebst. Wir beide wünschen dir ganz viele tolle Begegnungen und freuen uns über jeden Bericht, herzliche Grüsse