Mein Auslandssemester in Mexiko
Mein Auslandssemester in Mexiko

13/09 - Independence Dinner

उजवाडाक आयलां: 03.10.2017

By the latest this week, it was impossible to overlook that the Día de la Independencia (Mexican Independence Day on September 16th) was approaching. The whole city seemed to be dipped into a green-white-red pot of paint and there was a certain festive mood in the air. The 'Viva Mexico' decoration, of course, could not be missing in our house...

'Viva Mexico' decoration throughout the house

'Viva Mexico' in the dining room

...not to forget the flag and lighting in the garden!

'Viva Mexico' in our garden

As a prelude to the Día de Independencia, Doña Anita organized a dinner for all of us, which Toñis lovingly prepared in the kitchen for days and once again surpassed herself with her culinary skills.

Toñis preparing in the kitchen
Toñis preparing in the kitchen

The result: a buffet with various Mexican delicacies.

Gourmet buffet: Panuchos, Empanadas, Flautas, Mole
Gourmet buffet: Panuchos, Empanadas, Flautas, Mole

Drinks were also taken care of - of course in the national colors.

From left to right: lime, tequila, strawberry
From left to right: lime, tequila, strawberry

After everyone, as always, ate way too much, a cheerful evening followed. Until late into the night, we played, danced, and laughed.

Roommates, neighbors, and friends
Roommates, neighbors, and friends

Doña Anita and her two German girls
Doña Anita and her two German girls


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