The Ziplining Adventure :-)

उजवाडाक आयलां: 16.10.2018


Slept until 9am. Well, at least the alarm went off. I was actually awake before that. Got up, got breakfast at the supermarket. Ate and actually applied sunscreen today. I was still on my phone until I went out the door just before 11. I sat down and the mini-van arrived. Right at 11! That's what I call punctual. We picked up more people, all Chinese.

When we arrived there, we wandered around a bit clueless until there were some instructions. The guides were in a funny mood, it was really fun on the ziplines. There were also two free falls. That was really cool too! What was really annoying was that my action cam didn't always respond to my button press. I had it attached to my helmet and couldn't see when it was actually recording. So it didn't capture many moments, very frustrating! Especially on the last zipline, I didn't make it all the way to the end because of the weight. The guide crawled along the rope like a monkey, hooked himself onto me, and then came back the same way. Unfortunately, there is no video material of this. The camera just didn't want to.

Somehow, that wasn't enough adrenaline for me. I decided to book bungee jumping for tomorrow. After the ziplining, there was a buffet. Actually with leaf salad, which I miss here. I ate a lot and for a long time, the others were already back in the van. I had to gobble down the rest. The next people were already coming. Overall, the whole day went by a bit quickly. I slept on the way back. I was exhausted.

Back at the hostel, I planned the next few days in Chiang Rai. Just quickly buy some water. Oh, I wanted to go to the hairdresser, if there is one here. They spoke very little English. I actually just wanted to have the sides shaved. Then they also did my beard and neck. With shaving foam and a blade. If you're ever scared, think of this situation: You're sitting in a foreign country at the hairdresser. They barely speak any English. You're scared of how you'll look afterwards. And then they wave around with blades on your neck. It's a weird feeling. It's okay to be scared. In the end, everything went well. It also looks okay. Hair and beard for four euros. Not bad!
Oh yeah, I probably booked the bungee jumping too late. At 9pm. They only open at 9am tomorrow. Pickup time is 8:30am. Will that work? Let's see, I'm going to sleep now. To be continued.

Video of the ziplining:


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