Day 45 - Brisbane, Australia

उजवाडाक आयलां: 11.02.2023

Today we are flying back to Australia.

We still have some time until noon, so we go for a coffee first. Then we drive to Hakarimata Scenic Reserve and go for a hike. The national park requires cleaning and disinfecting the shoes. The native trees have already been affected by bacteria. We take a break at the Upper Lookout and have a great view of the Waikato River. Then we continue driving, and we actually want to stop at another lookout, but there's a traffic jam. A tow truck and an ambulance pass by, and we notice that in New Zealand, the concept of a rescue lane is not fully internalized. We skip the next stop and continue to our car rental company. When we arrive at the airport, we still have plenty of time. Finally, we land in Brisbane in the evening and make our way to our hostel.


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