Wildlife in Kirindy

उजवाडाक आयलां: 21.08.2023

After a night in which I always had an ear and eye on mosquitoes and cockroaches, I am very happy that it is finally relatively humane to get up and flee outside at 5:30 a.m., away from mosquitoes and cockroaches. Sounds worse than it was, but somehow I didn't feel like accidentally crushing a cockroach in bed at night. It is pleasantly cool and we have breakfast with some other guests, all excited to visit Kirindy Park in daylight. We rush back to the park entrance and Alfred is already welcoming us. Off we go into the bush. Luckily, it is still bearable and pleasantly cool at 7:30 a.m. We soon see the Sifakas, the dancing lemurs, high up in the trees. The Red-fronted brown lemurs even come down to the ground and are super curious. In front of a tree hollow sits a Fork-Lemur, who sees nothing during the day and looks at us with wide open eyes. He does not move during the day, unless he hears danger, then he quickly scurries into his tree hollow. On the way, we encounter beautiful birds of paradise and the Blue Drongo, a typical Madagascan bird. We can even see a sleeping owl in a tree hollow. After the hike, we drive back to our accommodation and relax by the pool for a while, before driving back towards civilization in the dusty road in the afternoon. We stop along the way in a small village, where the largest "Baobab-Lovers" in the region stand, and have a little chat with the children. Then we continue towards the sunset and Baobab avenue. When we arrive there, there is still plenty of time until sunset and we pass the time with the delicious ice cream made from Baobab fruits right there. There are also a few other flavors and I have coconut, Baobab and guava, very tasty. Eventually it is time for the sunset spot and I take some photos, this time with some clouds on the horizon. After that, we continue to Morondava to our accommodation. This time there is a different room and we have dinner here in the restaurant as well. Apparently too early for our Spanish and Italian roommates, because we have the restaurant to ourselves, including two very nice and funny waiters and a private documentary about the natural spaces of Madagascar. For dinner we had very delicious ravioli and vegetables, and for dessert a homemade pickled rum with vanilla and guava, then the evening was over and I went to bed.


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