09/04/2018 - Roberts Point Track

उजवाडाक आयलां: 02.05.2018

After the constant ups and downs regarding the weather conditions in the last few days, we gathered our courage today and set off on a hike that we had been planning for a while. Early in the morning, we were in good spirits. Only a few clouds could be seen in the sky and the sun was shining through from time to time. At 10:00 am, we started the "Roberts Point Track", which is indicated to take five hours and twenty minutes for the round trip. The hiking trail leads to an elevated viewpoint from where the "Franz Josef Glacier" can be admired from a different perspective.
The first meters of the track run along a well-developed path and after only a few minutes, we passed a small viewpoint. Unexpectedly, we stood in front of a mirror-smooth lake. On the surface of the "Roberts Pool", the surrounding mountains and even the glacier were visible. Thanks to the calm wind, we were able to photograph the scenery in peace - the reflection looked fantastic. After the short break, we continued and shortly after that, we crossed the first suspension bridge. From here, the official Roberts Point Track began. We were greeted by several information boards and warning signs. Even the fact that several tourists have died on the route did not deter us. By now, we can assess our abilities very well and know how far we can go.
From here, the hiking trail was no longer extensively developed. Great caution was required to avoid stepping into deep mud puddles. In addition, there were several passages to master that led over waterfalls and streams. It became more exciting on a suspension bridge that is only allowed for one person at a time. With a queasy feeling, we crossed the old, shaky bridge one after the other and safely reached the other side. After about an hour, we reached the first highlight of the hike: a suspension bridge that was opened in 2015. It spans a gorge and has a total length of more than 150 meters. In addition to its actual purpose, it was very suitable for a few snapshots. :) After crossing the newest suspension bridge, it became increasingly adventurous. We climbed up rock walls, over fallen trees, and through narrow gorges. All our climbing skills were now in demand. Suddenly, we reached a steep abyss. From here, a narrow staircase had to be used, which was attached to the rock wall. What an engineering feat by the responsible ranger!
The air gradually became cooler. We began to hope that we would soon reach the end. But it still took some time. Instead, we now climbed uncovered, moss-covered rocks. The track definitely did not lack variety!
A few meters in altitude later, after exactly 2.5 hours, we reached the wooden platform and thus reached the end of the track. The view was impressive. You had a much better view of the Franz Josef Glacier than from the touristy "Standard Track" that runs in the former glacier valley. The surrounding mountains and waterfalls were also much more visible. The efforts had definitely paid off. However, there was little time to catch our breath. Right on time for our arrival, the rain started. After quickly eating an apple, we put on our rain capes over our backpacks and started the return journey briskly. Luckily, the majority of the route passed through the forest. As a result, we didn't get too much rain. However, the few exposed sections became quite slippery. At times, we were forced to sit down and slide down the rocks because they had become too slippery.
We quickly realized that it would be a very long way home. We had to significantly slow down our running speed. We repeatedly slipped on the tree roots and moss-covered stones. After about 45 minutes, we caught up with an older couple. The woman had significantly more trouble staying on her feet. Fortunately, the daughters arrived at that moment and supported her. But we also struggled and gradually passed the familiar spots. Fortunately, the shower only increased slowly, so the streams that had to be crossed had not yet turned into rivers. Because this can happen faster than you would like.
At the last suspension bridge, we flinched again. There was a little weasel on the bridge. When it noticed us, it dared to jump into the abyss. It flew down about five meters onto a meadow and disappeared into the forest.
After almost five hours of pure walking time, the end was finally in sight. We reached the signs from the beginning of the track and knew that the last section to the car is relatively harmless and flat - but without the protection of the forest and trees. So on the last meters, we got really wet again - without a rain jacket ...
After exactly 5:20 hours and more than 16 kilometers, we reached our destination. With soaking wet clothes, we finally arrived at the car. But our day was not over yet. We drove further to the neighboring town of "Fox Glacier". The trip there was accompanied by severe headaches. Presumably, we breathed in too much cold air while hiking.
With heavy legs, we reached the campground early in the evening. To end the day, we just struggled into the kitchen to prepare a warm dinner.

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