Tag 141 - Hot and dry

उजवाडाक आयलां: 25.03.2018

Today the heat is even more unpleasant, the wind is like a warm hairdryer and brings no relief. Of all days, there is no water today, in the whole city and all day long. By now, a musty bell hangs over the city.

Already this morning there was no drinkable water left in the kitchen, just a half-frozen bottle in the freezer. Surprisingly, there is still water coming out of the tap at the laundry sink, but I can't drink that, it gives me diarrhea. Candida offered me water from the big gallon on the counter, which is usually filled with purified water that has gone through the filtering device. This morning, the gallon was empty, later half full, so it could only be untreated water, even if Candida claimed otherwise. I decided to pour out my instant coffee just to be safe.

No change in the weather in sight. Hopefully the power doesn't go out...


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