3rd stage part 1 to Puente la Reina

उजवाडाक आयलां: 01.11.2023

I slept well, although I woke up a few times. And at 5 the first alarm went off every 10 minutes. But from then on I was awake anyway. Packed up my things and almost lost a sock in the dark. Then for breakfast. In was the first. I spoke to the manager while he was serving breakfast. I had my 3 cups of coffee and 4 pieces of toast and was satisfied. I also found out that the leader comes from Siegburg and is also experienced in pilgrimages. He always runs the hostel here for 6 weeks and yesterday was the last day it was open. Many hostels are closed from November to March, which makes further planning of the stages a little more challenging. But strengthened and in a good mood, I left the hostel in the dark at 6:45 and then wandered through Pamplona for another hour. I have to say, it's a beautiful city and there were still a lot of partygoers out and about from Halloween yesterday. Then we slowly went out of town and into the mountains. Just then a light rain started, but I was already wearing my rain cape. Then the rain and wind got heavier and heavier and unfortunately the path mostly consisted of pebbles and mud, which made it a real slide. The descent, which was already warned about in the book, was even more difficult. But I made it safely and ended up in Puente la Reina via Uterga and Obanos, where I took a half-hour lunch break. I actually wanted to buy something in the supermarket, but today is a holiday (All Saints Day), which is why all the shops are closed. That's why I finished my peanuts (I was still full from breakfast) and after the break I went on to Estella.


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