Dann geh ich halt nach Bali
Dann geh ich halt nach Bali

Chapter 11.3 - Of Toads and Diving

उजवाडाक आयलां: 17.03.2023


6:55 am

Woke up after a rather restless night. You must know that Indonesia, apart from Bali, is completely Muslim. That means there are mosques with minarets and the accompanying muezzin who starts singing the prayer every morning at 4:45 am. You can hear it through a megaphone all over the island. During today's session, a toad or a frog joins me right in front of my suspended bed and starts screaming as well. The beds in the dorm room are all hanging from ropes in the air.

Because I am a little cold from the fan, I grab the second sheet that I had placed on the bench in front of me before going to bed, and guess who snuggled up inside it. The frog 🐸. *plop* now it is on the floor in the cat's hunting area. The muezzin is still singing. The frog hops a few meters further and starts screaming again. Suddenly I hear someone tapping. In my half-asleep state, I am not sure yet if it is a human or another being.

When the frog suddenly makes different noises, I realize that it is being chased. The cat meows and comes closer...

All of a sudden, there is silence. I start feeling guilty. The tapping disappears again. Did I sign the death warrant for my slimy friend?

Of course not. Less than 5 minutes later, it starts croaking under me again, and the frog continues hopping on its way. Probably it was just waiting for the cat to leave it alone.

10:56 am

Arrived at the diving office, first there is a multiple-choice test. Then we go into the pool. Old memories come back. Around 1:50 pm, we're heading into the open water. I realized earlier that the website Hostelworld is complete garbage. The night in the dorm where I am staying actually costs €4 per night on booking.com, but I'm paying almost €11. That means €7 goes to those sneaky bastards. Pigs!

8:17 pm

So guys, the dive was fun. 46 minutes underwater, awesome. Tomorrow again, but this time Turtle Haven. Now I am back at the bar with the guys. Later there will be a party at Zipp Bar from 11 pm. They invited me for Nasi Goreng. Now we're going to have a few rounds of Brem. And relaxed togetherness :)

1:48 am

Was at the party 🍄👀

Good night 🤪


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