Work with a view

उजवाडाक आयलां: 30.09.2018

After a somewhat longer break, I will now be heard from again. However, it should already be mentioned here that I will now write more regularly and have also decided to take more photos (although the quality is still debatable...).

So now I want to tell you a little bit about what I actually do here, professionally. We are a representative office with a total of 7 people and try to support our colleagues in Frankfurt in their work. This includes regular reports on the current situation here in Mexico. However, the main task is the on-site coordination with our Mexican partner organizations. These organizations are all state-owned and therefore dependent on politics. In Mexico, a new government was elected this summer, but it will not start governing until December. Consequently, everything is a bit uncertain on the Mexican side and not much is happening, so the workload has been limited so far. But that is not a problem at all, because it allows for much more time to enjoy life here. For example, last week we went to the UNAM campus (it feels like its own city, which is no wonder with about 350,000!!! students) and took a few photos with our new electric car and then ate Chiles en Nogada. I will explain exactly what that is later, as I will definitely write several entries about the food here.

Our office is located on the top floor of a high-rise building here, which is generally nice (keyword: the view). But we recently had an emergency drill and had to evacuate the building using the emergency staircase... But well, the view still makes up for everything:

The one on the right is Popocatepetl, an active volcano and the second highest mountain in Mexico (about 5,500 m). The one on the left is its little sister Iztaccihuatl, a currently inactive volcano and also over 5,000 m high.

Okay okay, I admit, it doesn't always look like this. Currently, it's rainy season here and the smog is definitely a problem. You can really see the difference, always after it has rained. But see for yourself:

So far, I still take a few minutes every day to just look around in the area. It's really crazy because despite the altitude, you can't see where the city ends. But well, those are some impressions of my work here for now. I have been out in the city a lot in the past few weeks and will report on it in the next posts.
