Trip to Australia Zoo by Crocodile Hunter

उजवाडाक आयलां: 14.10.2017

A pleasant night in the large and beautiful apartment is behind us. The mood is already a bit oppressive, as our return flight is tomorrow.

To counteract this, we have decided to take a trip to Australia Zoo.

Everyone knows him, the famous Crocodile Hunter... Here is your home.

The most beautiful zoo we have ever seen. Amazing!

Here are some pictures....

जाप (1)

Wahnsinn.....😭😉einen ganz tollen Abschluss eurer tollen Reise. Wie schnell die Zeit vergeht. Trotz allem wünsch ich euch einen guten Heimflug und bleibt gesund und meldet euch wenn ihr daheim angekommen seid...bis dann..Cya Kai

प्रवास अहवाल ऑस्ट्रेलिया