Auszeit - Reise Richtung Osten
Auszeit - Reise Richtung Osten

Coron, the diver's paradise

उजवाडाक आयलां: 06.04.2019

Since the ferry was fully booked on our desired travel day, we booked a ticket for the following day. We left El Nido on the island of Palawan right on time and rapidly approached our next destination: Coron. We reached the harbor shortly after noon. Fortunately, we managed to load the entire group of four people, including our luggage, onto a tricycle. The ride took only a few minutes. Hungry, we checked into our temporary home, the Seaview Dive Resort. After lunch, we set off on an exploration tour. We had already chosen a few diving schools on the internet, which we now wanted to visit to plan the upcoming days and dives. Eventually, we decided on the Reggae Dive Center. A Swiss worker there explained the options to us. Coron is a diving mecca, known especially for the Japanese wrecks that were bombed and sunk by the Americans during World War II. The dive spots are mostly at depths of 20 to 30 meters. Since both of us only have the Open Water diving certification with a maximum depth of 18 meters, we spontaneously decided to pursue the next level certification, "Advanced Open Water." This way, we can go diving in the future without major restrictions and improve our skills.

The training started the next morning. The first day consisted of a short refresh course, followed by an exciting Wreck Adventure Dive and a navigation test. The second day of training included a Deep Dive to 30 meters, a fish identification course, and the buoyancy course (underwater body posture and balance).

The training sequences lasted about 15-20 minutes each. During the rest of the dive, we could admire the breathtaking underwater world. Practically all dive spots are located near a wreck. The ships are partially over 100 meters long and covered in beautiful corals. The variety of fish species was overwhelming. Here are some examples of the fish we saw: Lionfish, Stonefish, Triggerfish, Surgeonfish, Crocodilefish, Angelfish, Scorpionfish, Mandarinfish, Trumpetfish, Snapper, etc. On the second day, we were very lucky and could spot a manta ray at one of the wrecks. The huge creature leisurely circled around. The divers in close proximity didn't bother it at all. Our dive guide has over 4000 dives, and this was her first encounter with a manta ray!

To be able to dive inside the wrecks, you need at least an Advanced certification. Since we passed the test successfully on the second day, Mathias decided to explore the inside of the wrecks the next day. The three dives in three different wrecks were indescribable. You dive with a flashlight through sometimes very narrow doors and corridors, through huge cargo holds, prisons, and engine rooms. An unforgettable experience.

In the evenings, we usually met up with our two German acquaintances, Lars and Nicole, who had already accompanied us in Port Barton and El Nido, for dinner. Of course, our two Swiss friends, Markus and Iris, were also present. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed each other's company. For Lars and Nicole, the vacation came to an end, and we said goodbye to them, looking forward to seeing them again in Germany or Switzerland.

Of course, a well-planned tourist tour should not be missing in a place like Coron. We opted for the Super Ultimate Tour, which visits all the famous spots in Coron. The tour exceeded our expectations and was a lot of fun. The spots were incredibly beautiful, even though there were many tourists at each location. The snorkeling spots are perfect, and the reefs are in great condition. The scenery with the vertical limestone cliffs, the turquoise water, and the white sandy beaches is breathtaking.

Early in the morning, we went to the airport. The turboprop plane took us to the next destination: Cebu.


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