Stage 38: From Vardali to Larisa

उजवाडाक आयलां: 24.11.2021

The today's stage could also be called: 'how to completely destroy your bike within 500 meters after 4000 kilometers of smooth riding.'

I was looking forward to a short stage, only about 60 kilometers to Larisa. It had rained overnight, but I was lucky in the morning. Komoot had recommended me to switch to dirt roads after a few kilometers from the main road, as they were shorter and had fewer altimeters. Clever as I am, I gladly accepted the offer, as I was used to dirt roads. After about 500 meters the ride was over and my bike, including bags (and me), was covered in mud. Between the fender and the tire, so much mud mixed with pebbles that the wheels locked up and I couldn't even push anymore! Of course, I couldn't continue on the dirt road, but even the way back to the road took almost an hour. Too heavy to carry (and the path too slippery), I had to drag my bike through the mud, which was a huge mess, of course. At small puddles on the way, I was able to remove the biggest clumps of mud from the bike, but after a few meters, everything was blocked again. Finally back on the road, it was impossible to continue riding, as the brakes and gears were no longer usable. So I pushed for three kilometers to the nearest gas station (at least that worked again). With a cloth and a tap, I spent a good two hours at that gas station, including removing both wheels, adjusting the fenders, chain maintenance, and of course cleaning the bags. Some gears still make a noise, but luckily, my bike has suffered no damage (I think). Frustrated, I arrived at the hotel in Larisa around 4 p.m. in light rain and decided to take a rest day due to my mood. This is how you can fill a supposedly short stage with memories!

I mostly spent the next day in the hotel room or in a café, but I had to do a little bit of sightseeing. In Larisa, there is an ancient theater and ruins (like everywhere in Greece). You can also go shopping here, and there is a large pedestrian zone that is surely filled with tourists in summer. The rest day was much needed, and motivated by the morning breakfast buffet, I continued northward!


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