Reisebericht Äthiopien
Reisebericht Äthiopien

Fasika and last vacation days

Oñemoherakuãva: 21.04.2020

I haven't written anything for a long time, not only because of my laziness, but also because the internet is often very slow at the moment. Then I can't upload any pictures. I will try it tomorrow at Addis Guzo. Anyway, since the last blog entry, believe it or not, I have taken about 400 photos!

Well, I'm fine and I'm experiencing a lot. Still. In the last few weeks, the program was often walking in beautiful places around Addis. I have seen many animals and beautiful landscapes again. While walking, I often find fine herbs like thyme, lemon balm and mint. On a walk, we even found mushrooms - most likely butter mushrooms - which we collected en masse and cooked at home. In addition, Nathaly and I finished building the dog house for Marley and repaired Nathaly's chicken coop. At the Habeshas (that's what the Ethiopians call themselves), preparations for Easter (Fasika) were underway, which is celebrated here a week later than in Switzerland. For Orthodox Christians, Fasika also marks the end of the 55-day fasting period. On Easter, chickens, sheep, goats, oxen, and cows are slaughtered. Traditionally, the animal is bought alive and then slaughtered at home, larger animals are divided... I also bought 2 hens, which were not for slaughter but for Nathaly, so that her rooster is not alone. Unfortunately, the animals were sick and died after about a week :-(

The traditional Easter dish is Doro Wot - a chicken stew cooked for about 24 hours with lots of onions, tomatoes, and chili (very spicy). It is eaten with Injera, of course. But other meat dishes such as Tips (fried meat strips) are also on the menu. Despite being a vegetarian, I had to try some of the delicious food. I am still convinced - now with certainty - by the vegetarian (mostly vegan) dishes.

For breakfast, I often enjoy a fruit: pineapple, papaya, mango, orange, banana, avocado... Mostly as juice, mixed, sometimes just like that. In the meantime, Barbara and I can prepare the Injera sourdough and cook Injera in a small pan! Now that there is plenty of time, we usually cook a delicious dinner...

Here, anyone who wants can download a video of the green guenons (Grivet Monkey) stealing bananas from the neighbors:

Mbohovái (1)

ciao alex, vielen dank für deinen bericht. schön, dass es dir weiterhin wohl ist. ich hoffe auch, dass die lage immer noch einigermassen entspannt ist - und ja, du hast schon recht gehabt zu bleiben. verpassen tut man hier zur zeit nicht viel - weil eh alles stillsteht ;-) angeregt von deinem post über den besuch beim jazzkonzert habe ich mich mal kundig gemacht und auf diversen kanälen nachgeforscht. eine tolle musikszene hat es in äthiopien. die zusammengestellte playlist läuft bei mir grad rauf und runter. vermutlich werden aber auch bei dir nicht gerade weitere konzertbesuche anstehen. jedenfalls ist schon mal die fastenzeit vorbei. die massnahmen, wie ihr sie im addis guzo umsetzt gleichen im grossen und ganzen ziemlich den unseren. obwohl der lockdown mittlerweile stufenweise wieder aufgehoben wird, gibt es grad im berufsalltag teilweise auch weitere verschärfungen. das thema wird uns noch eine weile beschäftigen - auch dich, wenn du dann in der schweiz wieder beruflich aktiv wirst. ich mag keine masken, soviel weiss ich jetzt. doch widerstand ist zwecklos - sie werden assimiliert ;-) herzliche grüsse stefan stefan

Marandu jeguata rehegua Etiopía