
Let's continue

Oñemoherakuãva: 06.06.2018

Since Sunday, it has been quieter at the campsite. Holidays are over in Bavaria. And as the lady washing the dishes so nicely said, "now we can deal with the little kids." Today, on Wednesday, there is another wave of departures, including us.

Our neighbors threw away their Aperol bottles *clink*. We'll be on our way around 11 o'clock. The children quickly get tired. Jule wakes up again around 1 p.m. Philip meanwhile has already watched 56 episodes of Tom & Jerry. Time for lunch. Mom packed too little, so we stop at a rest area. Due to a small communication problem, we ended up with spaghetti for the kids twice and a huge plate of fries... So Papa got a Tupperware container and saved it for dinner. At the toll booth, we had a moment of panic again - 36€. The stupid machine didn't accept our credit cards, so we had to deduct some more cash from our dwindling supply. An hour before our destination, Jule was exhausted again. She looked at all the books, colored all the books. It was time for Peppa Pig. Peppa Pig saved our life. God bless Peppa Pig ;)

So this campsite is not as comfortable as the last one, but the Leaning Tower is just around the corner. And thanks for the next campsite, let's see where the electric pole is and not when everything is leveled. Unfortunately, then you have to realize that the cable is too short. So start all over again: find a new pitch and start from scratch.

Nevertheless, we won't miss the chance to ride our bikes into the city for a short while. Masses of tourists, tons of merchandise stands, and a super nice well-kept lawn (No walking on it, mind you) with lots of tourists trying to get THAT PHOTO. Yeah, I can hold the tower. We'll save these and those activities for tomorrow.

Today is all about rest. There is a pool, but it smells weird and requires wearing swim caps. How old-school is that????

Mbohovái (1)

Ja, die Badekappenpflicht ist weit verbreitet in Italien. Wir hatten uns damals auch extra welche gekauft; -)