
Things will be going well soon

Oñemoherakuãva: 24.11.2023

The visa or rather our NZeTA is approved (mine and E's the same, Benny's a day later-strange?) & things are starting to get serious. Unreal.

I'm worried about the long journey, two flights with a small child, a total of 30 hours on the road - wow - when we finally get there I'll make three signs of the cross.

Now first prepare, check the weather, update and tick off the packing list (I prefer to start two weeks earlier because of the washing), print out the travel plan Excel list, check international insurance and register for kindergarten for the return.

I'm not worried that something won't fit in, but we definitely have more to pack for the little one than for Benny (he only travels with hand luggage) - haha.

The suitcases are packed - and we're leaving in less than 5 days.

I still can't believe it, even though we've sorted, categorized and packed everything, for such a special trip that's been planned and booked for so long, it's only really real to me when we're there.

Entry into New Zealand is very strict, so we wrote down everything that was packed individually so that we then know what we are declaring. Because if there's one thing I took away from the many posts: it's better to declare too much than too little. Otherwise there will be high fines - let's see if we can avoid them.

More when we get there ;) Keep your fingers crossed for us.

