
Day 4 in Rügen (October 7, 2021 Thursday)

Publicado: 08.10.2021

Day 4 in Rügen (October 7, 2021 Thursday)

Today we took the Rasender Roland to Granitz. But two smokers ran out of cigarettes. So we headed towards the center, but something was not right. We ended up at the Rasender Roland station. So first we had to look for cigarettes. There were plenty of souvenir shops, food stalls, and restaurants, but no cigarettes anywhere. We were directed to the city center. And it was up and 'not far.' We set off and cursed our addiction on the way to the upper town. At some point, I sighed: 'We should have taken the car.' After finally reaching the top, I asked in one of the many amber shops and got a clear answer: 'Over there at the drugstore!' Finally!!!! After buying said cigarettes, we sat down on a bench and lit the first one. I swear, someday I will quit.

On the way back down, we heard the Rasender Roland whistle. Therefore: we missed the next train. At the station, we met an abandoned counter and sat down in a restaurant. Here I got a really good Soljanka and Gabi nibbled on some fries. Finally, life returned to the train station counter. But the young man at the counter seemed confused. He had already made a mistake with the lady in front of me, and when he handed me the tickets, I asked if they were round-trip tickets. 'Oh, I think I made a mistake there, give them to me.' I handed him the tickets back, but his attempt to cancel them failed and the computer had to be restarted after a phone call. When he wanted to make a new entry, he asked inquiringly: 'You wanted to go to Moll, right?' 'No,' I replied, 'We wanted to go to Granitz.' 'Oh, then that's correct.' Well, I got my tickets back and shook my head internally. Meanwhile, the Rasender Roland had also arrived and we got on board.

As we started the journey, the air changed because the smoke from the old locomotive drifted through the open doors into the carriages and dark plumes of smoke wafted past the windows. Environmentally speaking, this pleasure was rather counterproductive. But the ride was great. It jerked, shook, and rattled, but it went through wide forests and past fields. In Ost Sellin, the train even stopped in the middle of the forest. Arriving in the middle of the Granitz forest, we read that the path to the hunting lodge was one kilometer long. And the whole way was uphill again. We bravely set off. Several yellow caterpillars lined our path. Signs informed us that Prince Friedrich Wilhelm often visited the hunting lodge and from his texts, which he had written about this place, we learned a lot about his attitudes, perceptions, and experiences. He considered this place to be the most beautiful on Rügen and loved this vast 'primeval forest.' But I searched in vain for century-old oaks and snakes.

We stumbled along a path paved with stones, but as soon as a worn-down path at the edge allowed for better walking, we moved there. Birds were singing, mushrooms were growing in various forms, and nature and tranquility relaxed our journey. What must the carriages have rumbled like over this path.

Finally, when we reached the top, I first organized water for Ayko and then we entered the castle. The architecture and decoration with wood paneling adorned with inlays decorated the walls, stucco under the ceiling, and decorations made of marble showed a lot of luxury. Unfortunately, only few old furniture pieces are preserved. I especially liked the ladies' salon on the upper floor with its red plush armchairs. Sitting there in the appropriate robe, having a chat, that would have been nice, but the staff who had to work here lived differently. The rooms for the staff were on the ground floor, and the family received the guests upstairs in the knight's hall, where plenty of feasts were celebrated after a successful hunt. We went out through a souvenir shop, where I didn't buy anything.

And the path through the deep forest to the train station was still one kilometer long, but going downhill was easier for me, although Gabi had knee problems. But we made it and when the smoking monster arrived, we went back to Göhren. Fortunately, many healthy birch trees still grow here. At home, many didn't survive the dry and hot summers.

When we were back home, I felt the first muscle soreness in my legs and my phone told me that we had walked almost 8000 steps. Phew, what an achievement!

Resposta (4)

Hallo ihr Urlauber! Endlich wieder Reiseberichte von dir! Ich liebe es, deine Berichte zu lesen:-)) Sie sind so locker flockig geschrieben und mit einer Portion Humor veredelt😁

Ja, ohne Zigaretten ist es nicht so einfach. 8000 Schritte, armer Ayko. Sehr schön geschrieben dein Bericht. Mal sehen wie der Muskelkater morgen ist. Viel Spaß noch. 😃

Ein ereignisreicher Tag! Jetzt hast du deinen Jahresbetrag an Schritten ja mehr als erfüllt. Ich habe keine Hoffnung, dass das mit dem Nicht -mehr -Rauchen klappt. Eine gewisse Schadenfreude bei mir ist da, wenn ich über eure Zigarettensuche lese. Freue mich auf weitere Berichte

Oh .... Irmi und laufen - hihi -