
01.05.: And today we do everything better...

Publicado: 01.05.2017

After yesterday's day was a small catastrophe, we wanted to approach it differently today. The whole morning was supposed to belong to Ida, and the afternoon would be for us adults again. And behold, as a reward for this glorious approach, the sun shone all day long.

It took some time on the internet to even find a playground, but it was definitely world-class. Ida had a great time. There was climbing, balancing, sliding, observing, and above all, lots of laughter. Great!

Ever since we set foot on Scottish soil, I've been nagging the little travel group that I want to eat really good pie. And since playing makes you hungry, we headed to the Piemaker. Unassuming, but soooooo good. The tiny restaurant was completely overloaded - just like our stomachs after lunch. We ordered a second time and took something with us for the road. If you're going to overdo it, do it right!

We then rolled leisurely to the Elephant House (walking was no longer possible). The little cafe boasts of being the birthplace of Harry Potter.

J.K. Rowling spent hour after hour sitting in the back room, inspired by Edinburgh Castle and the Greyfriars Kirkyard (ancient cemetery) to create her masterpiece. Coincidentally, we overheard a city tour that mentioned that the cafe is now rather annoyed by the influx of people. They mainly take photos instead of having a coffee. Fame is not always advantageous...

We then strolled through the aforementioned cemetery. One old grave after another.

(Lord Voldemort alias Tom Riddle)

Weathered gravestones, rusty gates, skull reliefs, and kitchen herb beds in between. Yes, you read that right: kitchen herbs in the cemetery. Along with the labeling. Actually not a bad idea - after all, it's a very fertile soil. Of course, a cemetery like this wouldn't be complete without some haunting. So, after several 'events', such as the mysterious death of an exorcist, a particularly spooky part of the cemetery was closed to the public.

They're crazy, these Scots...

We have now made it to our warm kitchen without shedding a single crocodile tear. To celebrate the day, we're skipping cooking and ordering delivery. Ah, life is good!
