Heading North
Heading North

04-02-2022: Plan C and Arctic Circle Baptism

Publicado: 04.02.2022

When you see the pictures, you don't believe that Plan B won't work either. The last night was a bit restless. The ship had a considerable tilt for a while with wind speeds of 140 km/h. We heard that a fishing boat capsized in the storm and our sister ship Maud, which is a few hours behind us, wanted to rescue the two fishermen. In the end, the rescue was carried out by the helicopter that had previously been practicing with us. More on Plan C later.
Today, the official Arctic Circle Baptism was carried out. One is poured a scoop of ice water on the back. Of course, you submit to the baptism.
Then the reward consists of a spoonful of cod liver oil and an aquavit.
We spend the whole day at sea, attend lectures or participate in workshops. During the day we find out that Plan B is being replaced by Plan C. The reason is that the window of opportunity for escaping the hurricane has closed. So we seek shelter in the port of Molde. However, Molde is not a place that offers much. So we have to wait and hope that the journey to Bergen will proceed as planned the next day. Bergen is supposed to be the last highlight of our trip.


Informes de viaxes Noruega