Schnu on Tour
Schnu on Tour

Bremen, 15.4.22 - Ready for Take Off

Publicado: 04.02.2022

It's time! The suitcases are packed, the last errands are done, the selfie stick has been found again (pretty embarrassing, right?), the Easter bunny has already been chased through the garden on Maundy Thursday, and excitement is slowly building up. The first 2 weeks of my 3-month parental leave have passed in a flash and I'm really looking forward to the highlight of my break, the trip to and through Costa Rica with my husband Frank and my son Sebastian (5). I'm curious to see what awaits us. Traveling with a child is always different, slower, but not necessarily in a meditative sense ;)

Departure is tomorrow at 11:15 from Bremen to Frankfurt and from there directly to San José, Costa Rica in 12 hours. Sebastian's biggest concern is whether "they have enough Sprite on board and whether there are fries in the children's menu"? I'm afraid not, but just in case, the backpack is filled with snacks.....

Resposta (4)


Gute & sichere Reise Euch dreien! Freue mich für Euch und bin auf die Bilder & Berichte gespannt. LG Rob

Gute Reise! Und da der Osterhase schon Donnerstag bei Euch war, hatten wir wohl heute das Glück 🐣🐥🐰 - Liebe Grüße, habt eine tolle Zeit! 🤗

Danke Ihr lieben Beiden :)

Informes de viaxes Alemaña