
Cake in the morning...

Publicado: 09.09.2017

... drives away sadness and worries, as Sissi said when she walked on the Sissi Path in Meran. At least that's what the old Meran people, who can still remember Sissi, say.

Anyway, currently I don't have any sadness, but unfortunately I do have worries. 'The breakfast buffet is too big to try everything!' What a shame, there were actually 3 kinds of cake, but I had to make a difficult decision and chose against the chocolate cake, even though I heard it calling 'pick me, pick me'. No, I stayed strong, let's see how long that lasts.

Yesterday I wandered around Meran a bit, a really beautiful little town, especially the arcades. The place is beautifully located among the mountains and is full of tourists - there had to be a catch. But as a solo traveler, of course I don't count myself as one of the standard tourists who are brought here by the busload from Germany. Some German pensioners watched me at the bus station as I packed my travel and hand luggage in my backpack. Their bus had an FD license plate, even from Hessen.

For dinner I had a Capricciosa pizza with anchovies and a Radler from a can. I enjoyed the whole thing on the balcony while watching the classic 'Back to the Future' with Michael J. Fox. The pizza was super delicious, and the movie was as good as always!

Around 8:00 PM I had to lay down on the bed, and I stayed there, man, I was tired. At some point in the middle of the night I woke up, but I didn't really get out of bed until this morning, around 8:00 AM.

Now it's 9:23 AM and I'm sitting comfortably at breakfast, still hearing the chocolate cake calling. Well, I'll release it.

Hm, delicious! Oops, that went a bit too fast, forgot the photo.

I think I'll retreat to my quiet room, the lectures at the neighboring table are annoying. Nah, not in the mood.

It was delicious.
