
Day 64 Marrakesh - Assilah

Publicado: 21.03.2020

Mission return journey: We set off this morning. A strange feeling. Many campers stay, waiting for the situation to improve. Normally, we would also belong to this group. But, for example, it would not be good for us to be stuck here for 4 weeks. Do you notice anything? We are in the same situation as many others at the moment. There is no reliable answer. Today we drove to Assilah, about 100km to Ceuta. The highway is clear, not much traffic. As I was driving, many images of this trip came to my mind. It was a really beautiful trip and we won't be discouraged now. We want to stay calm and accept. Anything else doesn't make sense anyway. I always think it's important to focus on what is happening right now in the moment. The stupid thing will probably be waiting in Ceuta. Because right now, we don't only have Corona as an enemy, but also strong wind 🍃. Maybe the ferries won't sail because of this. But is it really a problem? No, not for us at least, because time is not a problem for us. So we will drive there tomorrow and see how it goes 😳. As long as everything is fine at home, there is no reason to panic. We avoid close contact with others. I went for a walk alone today, that's okay. The weather is not great at the moment. Rain ☔ and 15 degrees. But... we had nearly 7 weeks of consistently good weather. So, keep quiet and no complaints. Just received some good news from the neighbor, others who were also at the campsite in Marrakesh and left for Ceuta a day earlier than us have made it and will probably cross over today. There you go... 😄

Resposta (2)

Wünsche euch gute Heimreise! Lieben gruß 😍 Cees

Hey Cees, freut mich das du mein Geschribbsel liest. Danke für deine lieben Gruesse. Dir und deiner Familie wünsche ich Gesundheit und Gelassenheit in dieser schwierigen Zeit. Liebe Grüße Ulli

Informes de viaxes Marrocos