Blogaichean Siubhail Ùra & Sònraichte LPZ

Week 15 - La Paz / Bolivia

No more text due to vacation :-)

Soraidh leibh aig Lake Titicaca

Chuir sinn seachad beagan làithean aig Lake Titicaca agus air eileanan na grèine agus na gealaich gu...

Cultar agus dànachd ann an La Paz

Thabhainn La Paz tòrr cultar is dàn-thuras ann am beagan làithean. Thadhail sinn air a’ chàrnabhail ...

Bolivia - how do we cross your river?

La Paz and the Choro Trail from the Andes to the Yungas Mountains

La Paz - the highest seat of government in the world.

From the Tiwanaku Temple to mountain biking on the Death Road to Cholita Wrestling. There is a lot t...

La Paz surroundings

Death Road and Path of Pain

Bolivia: La Paz

- Hagrid & me

La Paz - The City of the Sky

Between Heaven and Earth

Insel hopping on the highest sailed lake in the world

From the solitary island life to bustling pilgrimage sites

Copacabana - The Serene

After the adrenaline rush on the Yungas Road, it was time for something more serene. The title may b...

La Paz - the Edgy

The journey from Uyuni to La Paz was incredibly efficient. The small provincial airport in Uyuni, wh...