Blogaichean Siubhail Ùra & Sònraichte SCZ

Deireadh-seachdain ann an Samaipata

Faigh a-mach às a’ bhaile agus theirig gu Samaipata airson deireadh-seachdain gnìomhach. Bho thobhta...

Faultiere ann an Santa Cruz de la Sierra

Ann an Santa Cruz de la Sierra lorg sinn taobhan ùra de Bolivia - fada air falbh bho àirdean an Alti...

Sweating in the tropical paradise

Wood, wood, wood! And that in Bolivia!

The long journey to southern America

After a pleasant night flight that flew by, we arrived in Sao Paulo at dawn, where we had a few hour...

Lun@tix goes Latin

Once again we are heading far away. In the next three weeks, we will travel through Bolivia and Peru...

Bolivia - Samaipata

Article 10 - Short trip to the dropout city of Samaipata in the Yungas.

Santa Cruz

The ladies in town :)

Trip to Santa Cruz and Samaipata

We soaked up the warmth again and got to know the changing conditions of the rainy season.