
Despedida - Farewell from my internship

Foillsichte: 15.02.2018

Incredible, it's already been two weeks and I'm going back to Germany, and my 4 months in Peru are almost over!

Yesterday, I even had my last day of work at my internship in the Rehabilitation Center for Addictions.

Unexpectedly, all the employees gathered and celebrated my farewell with a cake and some nice words.

In conclusion, during my time as a psychologist in this center, I can say that I have gained valuable experiences. Not only for my Spanish, but also for my professional and personal development, I was able to learn a lot during my internship.

I learned how to work with patients, hold psychological seminars in Spanish, resolve conflicts, deal with difficult and uncomfortable situations, and much more.

Lastly, my internship has also made me rethink how I want to shape my professional career. I now know that I not only want to work with groups, but also with individuals and have individual conversations.

Now, I will enjoy my last two weeks in Peru and gradually process and utilize all the experiences I have had.

