Vanlife Stories
Vanlife Stories

Letzte Tage in Fes

Foillsichte: 26.04.2022

The last days in Fes were full of beautiful, magical, and surreal moments. Ramadan and living in a Moroccan family provided intense experiences that will resonate for a long time.

A few more days and I would have definitely adapted to the reversed eating and sleeping rhythm. :-D At midnight, we cooked Moroccan potato snacks and when everyone around gets up at 3 o'clock to eat before sunrise, the nocturnal peace in a house without doors is over. At 4 o'clock, the cannon blast follows with the call of the muezzin to start the fasting day.

For me, Morocco is and will remain a magical country. A land of contrasts, diversity. A country with a fascinating language and even more fascinating people. If you approach Morocco openly and curiously, you will be rewarded with wonderful experiences.


Aithisgean siubhail Morocco

Barrachd aithisgean siubhail