Foillsichte: 26.08.2021
We - a family of 4 with a passion for travel - have plenty more family adventures in faraway lands to share - our last 3 big vacations are online :-) - with the Maldives, there's a new blog added!
Just take a look!
Have fun and I welcome any questions, suggestions, and feedback!
My blogs:
we explore the islands of Sao Miguel, Terceira, Pico, and Faial under Covid-19 conditions
our 3-week Africa adventure takes us to Zambia & Zimbabwe to see Victoria Falls, to South Africa via Johannesburg to safari lodges in the small Drakensberg Mountains and Kruger National Park, further to Cape Town and surroundings
our biggest adventure yet: 4 weeks across the red continent, 4 states and 4 climate zones, from metropolises to secluded beaches, into the Outback and the summer feeling in the far north around Darwin's national parks, followed by a stopover in Singapore