
The last days in Mexico! (Day 176-179 of the world trip)

Foillsichte: 01.03.2020

27.02. - 01.03.2020

Well. Now we've finally made it^^ It may sound a bit mean towards Mexico, but we're very happy that we'll finally continue our journey tomorrow!!

We can't understand how other travelers can stay in one place for two months :D If I really want to have everyday life, I need my friends, family and hobbies, otherwise it feels more like a pretty boring vacation :p

The two weeks here weren't terrible and we did something every day, but it was definitely longer than we would have liked, and as I said, we're glad that it continues tomorrow :)

On Thursday we actually wanted to go back to Bacalar by the lake, but it rained heavily and even thundered during the night, so it was pretty cool in the morning and the sky didn't look like we wanted to go swimming outside^^

Instead, we made ourselves comfortable here with Netflix and only went out for shopping and cooking afterwards.

On Friday it was still cool and cloudy in the morning, but apparently it was supposed to clear up later, so we took our favorite bus Mayab to Bacalar (initially with a jacket). The woman at the ticket counter already knew us. I just said "hello" and she automatically entered Bacalar and 9:00 am. We were regular commuters! :D :D

In Bacalar it was already warmer than in Chetumal, but the wind was strong from time to time, so it was mostly quite cool. But as Germans, we can't complain about an outside temperature of more than 20°C and an even higher water temperature, so we eventually went into the water.

As expected, it was actually quite pleasant IN the water, but when we got out, we felt like dying because of the wind :D :D

It's crazy how the six months in hot to tropical areas make you so sensitive. In Germany, I used to go swimming in the open-air pool in the morning during the summer without any problems... Well^^

Although we were only in the water twice, time flew by quickly at the lake and we were surprised when it was already "only" 3:00 pm and we had to go back to the bus.

Saturday was planned as a "rest day". We dropped off our laundry in the morning and this time they told us that we could pick it up on Sunday afternoon, only from 3:00 to 4:00 pm. That meant that a last day trip to Bacalar on Sunday was also cancelled, but oh well ;-)

After dropping off the laundry, we took an hour's walk to the city center, where we had two goals:

1. to find a hairdresser for me :( I was so proud of my hair length, but after almost a year without a haircut, they were a bit damaged :p

2. to find the departure point for the bus that will take us to Belize on Monday.

Finding a hairdresser turned out to be more difficult than expected :D Well, there were actually quite a few salons, but none of them looked particularly inviting. Once I went in, said hello in Spanish, but then I was ignored until Jonas and I finally walked on...

For point 2, we went to a bus station. There are several of them in Chetumal, and somehow some offer the same destinations, while other buses only leave from A or only from B and I have no idea. It's quite confusing, and the people don't seem particularly cooperative. But well. Maybe I should have asked more insistently^^

Finally, we tried it at a small 1 square meter booth in the middle of the museum's front yard, which was labeled "Tourist Information". Of course, the lady there only spoke Spanish, and when we asked her if she knew where the bus to Belize departs from, she explained to us that there is a "collectivo station" a few streets away, from where Santa Elena is being served directly, which is the city right on the border.

Then she told us a lot more, but that exceeded our knowledge of Spanish, so we just thanked her kindly ;-)

We followed her directions and came to a small waiting hall, from where collectivos actually depart. But at first we thought it wouldn't be suitable for us. We would still have to go from the border to Belize City, and a spontaneous taxi on the Belizean side was not an option^^

So we finally decided to go back to the market where we were last week and where buses supposedly depart to Belize.

On the way there, we came across a hair salon again, and when we peeked inside, the hairdresser was immediately friendly and inviting <3

I explained to her in a mix of Spanish and English that everything that was damaged should be cut off, and she nodded and got to work. The way she cut my hair wasn't any different from what I'm used to, and in the end I was very satisfied.

Jonas also spontaneously decided to get a haircut, and together we only paid 7.50 € - for both of us!!! :O

When we arrived at the market, there were actually buses parked there this time, and we found a Belizean who spoke English (which is the national language there)!!

He explained to us that buses to Belize leave from this market in the afternoon, and he recommended that we drive to the border ourselves and then take the next bus to Belize City from there. Okay! He told us the times, prices, and some information about the exit fee. Yay!

For the first time, we had useful firsthand information :D

On the way back to the apartment, we passed by another bus station, but it has been closed for a couple of years now, so it was unsuccessful there ;-)

While we were walking and doing some research later on, we finally decided that we want to follow the Belizean's advice. We will take a collectivo to the border and then take the next possible bus on the other side, in Belize.

By now, we are "experienced travelers" enough that something like this doesn't make me nervous anymore. What if there is no bus? What if the next bus only comes in three hours? What if it rains and there's no shelter? Can I buy something to eat or drink, and are there toilets? Is there an ATM so that we can even pay for the bus? :O

Well. Now we've reached the point where I know that it will somehow work out in the end. And if we have to take a (expensive) taxi to the next town to continue, then so be it ;-)

Today, Sunday, we did some more research and Jonas did some sports. At noon, we had another interview with friends (last time we did it without sound... :D) and yeah. Now we just cooked for the last time, the laundry is done (yay!), and later we'll watch some bouldering on the live stream.

For the umpteenth time: we're looking forward to continue our journey tomorrow!!!

But even though the theft left a bitter aftertaste, Mexico (or us?^^) somehow grew on me again. What we agree on is that the country (or the states we have traveled through) is really beautiful and diverse!

You have beaches, jungle, mountains, and "desert" all nearby, and even though we weren't always convinced by the friendliness of the Mexicans, Mexico is generally a country that I can definitely recommend, especially as a holiday destination :)


Aithisgean siubhail Megsago