
Iguazú-4th Day

Foillsichte: 29.01.2021

Today we did some smaller things nearby: Aripuca and Casa de Botella.

Aripuca is a gigantic replica of an animal trap made with leftover wood from the rainforest. The indigenous Guarani tribe still uses this animal trap to hunt animals today. The animal is not harmed in the trap, and if the wrong one is caught, it can be easily released without any problems. The place is meant to remind people of the destruction of nature by humans, who deforest the rainforest and deprive indigenous tribes of their livelihood.

Afterwards, we went to Casa de Botella, a house made of plastic bottles. Born out of necessity, but very creative and the raw material is available to everyone. The family also lives here and offers workshops on building bottle houses, toys, etc. The road there and back was very bumpy and Lea's wheelchair almost had no air left, but the family in the bottle house was able to pump a little air back in so that we could walk back to the lodge. To end the day, we saw a monitor lizard at the swimming pool of our lodge.


Aithisgean siubhail Argentina