
'I wanna go surfing!' - Raglan

Foillsichte: 30.11.2017

26/11 - 30/11

After all, there is nothing you can't do in New Zealand, there are of course some good surf spots. The Mecca is located in the small town of Raglan, which consists of nothing more than a few streets and trendy surfer shops/cafés. There is also a small village beach with an extensive playground and skate park.

Upon our arrival, we had some time until check-in to stroll through Raglan and watch the local youth scene skateboarding. Apparently, scooter riding is also a big thing in New Zealand. Some guys have amazing stunts - one rather unassuming boy did backflips one after another.

Our accommodation was located a bit outside the city near the popular surf beach Ngarunui. It was a nice hostel facility with lots of garden space and interesting living options. Our little village consisted of old train wagons that had been converted into small cabins. Barely more than a double bed fit in. There was also a tipi village and something similar to mud huts. From the reception, there was a great view of the sea.

Our wagon - Caboose No. 4

Magnificent view from the terrace of our hostel

During the day, we always went to the nearby beach. I was equipped with a surfboard and wetsuit, Emi spent most of her time reading and sunbathing. The beach is actually perfect for beginners, although the waves were almost too small during our stay. I deliberately always borrowed a slightly smaller board to practice handling it in these easy conditions. In the three days, I even managed a few short rides on small green waves. However, most of the time, I spent building up my paddle strength.

The weather was also perfect for this location. Although the weather forecast predicted four days of rain, the sun was almost always shining. You had to be careful not to get sunburned on the beach. There were no shaded areas and due to the ozone hole, you also had to protect yourself with 50+ sunscreen. It's just annoying when you have to apply sunscreen to your own back (while Emi was running on the beach)...

The first evening was like all the previous ones in New Zealand - very quiet. It's really difficult to have a party here. In the supermarket, we were both asked to show our passports when buying beer, which of course we didn't have with us, and in the hostel, there was a sign reminding us that alcohol consumption is not allowed after 10 pm. Accordingly, we went to bed early...

But from the second evening on, the situation improved. We met some very nice Germans, so the remaining evenings became a bit more sociable and fluid. We all simply ignored the 10 pm rule, but we were still far from a real party. Emi and I are longing for that a little bit! :)


Raglan is worth a visit not only for surfers, you can also simply enjoy life on the beach and in nature. Here, the clocks tick a little slower and everything is extremely relaxed. It was also really pleasant to have a longer stay. In the end, I almost forgot how to pack my backpack.

We have been on the road for almost two months now. The first weeks passed slowly, but the last days and weeks seem to be passing us by faster. We also don't have the urge to see as much as possible at our place of stay anymore, we simply enjoy the freedom to take the day as it comes!

Nganurui Beach

Hasta pronto!


>> Next stop: Tairua <<


Na Seulan Nuadh
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