
Nice to be home

Foillsichte: 07.07.2019

After a rough return flight from Mongolia, I arrived safely in Frankfurt yesterday. Bath, bed, and Spätzle with sauce - all here! 😊

The funny thing was that the flight route was almost exactly the same as the route I had traveled by train. Just 95 hours faster...

At this point, I would like to thank everyone who thought of me during the trip and wrote me so many lovely messages.

I will be here until about mid-August before Gerrit and I set off towards Istanbul together with the VW Bus. We will definitely write about our experiences on this trip as well.

Freagairt (4)

Darauf freuen wir uns schon jetzt! 😘

Geniesse jetzt dein zuhause. Vielen Dank für die vielen schönen Berichte - hat immer Spass gemacht sie zu lesen 😉

Wilkommen zurück!!!! :) :) :)

danke!! ☺️