
F&F in Yerevan

Foillsichte: 30.09.2019

No, it's not an Armenian fashion store, I simply mean Frustration & Joy.

You have already read about my frustration with my coat, but now let's talk about the joys of my everyday life in Armenia. First of all: I HAVE MY COAT AGAIN!!!!

You're surprised, right? The loss hurt me so much that I decided to go back to this bus station. It may sound simple, but it's actually a pretty exhausting and complicated task because this station is located outside the city.

Anyway, I managed to get there and make the people understand what I was looking for. No one really spoke English, but with pointing and rambling on, I managed to do it. A woman opened a rickety cupboard and there was my coat! Yippee!!!!

Other than that, I haven't experienced much frustration. Sometimes unfriendly saleswomen, or locals pushing and shoving tourists aside, but those are minor things and they are rare.

But there are plenty of joys!

For example, the flea market on Sunday, which strangely enough is called "Vernissage". I stumbled into it by chance and spent the whole afternoon there

It had such a relaxed and cozy atmosphere, and the weather was absolutely beautiful. You can feel that the people here don't have much entertainment, not as much leisure time as we do. On Sundays, young families and older people stroll through parks and green spaces. Or they go to the flea market. It had a very relaxed and contented vibe, a totally peaceful atmosphere. Somewhere, an Indian was dancing and putting on a small show, and a little further away, an old man was playing his accordion.

There was a lot of junk and kitsch and interested people everywhere. Plus a whole herd of my favorite animal...

...and bridges to Switzerland

For example, to Geneva

New friends for the bear park
and Bern!

And another joy is the water fountain on my way home. I often sit there and watch the children play.

Or a view from the window of funny street art. The city is full of small interesting niches, of people and their traces, full of life.

Freagairt (2)

Ich freue mich so für dich MIT MANTEL!!!
