
From Padang Bai to Sanur

Foillsichte: 20.11.2016

By now I have already left Padang Bai, but I still owe you a few photos.

On the penultimate evening, I wanted to have dinner with the Austrian named Mathias (by the way). He had met a Dane named Anders that day and we just took him along. The two guys really wanted to eat fish. Since I usually only dare to eat fish sticks, this was a very adventurous suggestion for me. So we walked to the little warung, where the fish were already displayed at the front. It looked a bit creepy because all the fish were still staring at me with their big eyes. The two guys each chose a red snapper. They offered me to eat with them because I wasn't initially so excited. The nice owner and his wife then showed us how it is grilled. When it was done, our table was suddenly full of rice, fries, vegetables, and fried flowers. Yes, fried flowers, from a flower. I didn't believe it at first, but they tasted damn delicious. Just as delicious as the fish. I was really enthusiastic about the great food. I would never have come up with the idea of eating such a fish alone. It was good that I had those two guys with me.

The next day, I really wanted to explore White Sand Beach. Mathias and Anders had already been there the day before and gave me some tips so I wouldn't get lost, which was necessary. I had already looked at the rough direction on Google Maps, but I had no idea what awaited me. The first few meters I walked up the hill easily. But as it got steeper, I, as an untrained person, had to take a little break. The temperatures here should really not be underestimated. When I finally arrived at a nice young man after what felt like 3000 meters of altitude, he demanded an entrance fee from me. I could spend the equivalent of 0.35 cents for that, especially since it wouldn't have been an option to turn around shortly before the destination. After I had paid my 5000 rupiahs, we went back down those 3000 meters of altitude. Suddenly, a narrow trail appeared on my left that was supposed to lead me to the beach. This narrow trail was challenging. I would have taken photos, but I was too busy not sliding down the slope next to me. But after I managed that as well, there was this beautiful beach with only a handful of people. The waves there were almost 2 meters high and the water turquoise blue. I was truly impressed by everything around me. I found a shady spot and let it all sink in. I didn't dare to go into the water because the waves were definitely too high for me. But it was really beautiful there. The way back, however, was exhausting again, but I survived it.

Here are some more photos from the way there.

In the afternoon, Anders came by and asked if I wanted to go to Blue Lagoon Beach again to go snorkeling. Since I had just woken up from my nap, I told him I would come later.

When I arrived there, I sat alone at the beach for a while since I couldn't find Anders immediately. 

Then a young guy sat down next to me and asked if we could take a photo together. I asked him why he wanted to do that and he explained to me that it was the first time he was away from home and he wanted to show his parents that he's doing well and meeting many nice people. He was really nice and told me a lot about himself. 

When I finally found Anders, we went snorkeling together and I regretted once again not having an underwater camera. I will never go on vacation without an underwater camera again!!!! 

All in all, I would say that personally, I liked Blue Lagoon Beach a little more. Not only because the way there was only half as exhausting, but also because the waves there were high, but not too high.

The next day, it was already time to leave Padang Bai. The manager of the Padang Bai Beach Resort, with whom I had chatted a few times, organized a staff member to take me to the bus station. By the way, I can only recommend this hotel!

I was told that the journey would take two hours, but we were already in Sanur after an hour. There, I took a taxi to Asoka Homestay, which I can also highly recommend. The entire building is brand new and the rooms are really nice and, above all, very clean. The beach is 200 meters away and the main street with many restaurants and shops is only 100 meters away. 

Yesterday and today, I explored the area a bit. Today, I couldn't resist the constant urge to buy something. I bought two dresses and haggled hard. The first dress I liked was supposed to cost 20 euros, which I immediately rejected and looked around some more. I immediately liked a second dress and with a nice smile, I got both of them for 17 euros. A complete success.

Now I'm sitting here on my balcony with a view of the pool and enjoying the gentle breeze blowing. Another day in paradise is coming to an end. I 'only' have 10 days left. But even though it is really extremely beautiful and relaxed here, I already miss my loved ones at home a bit. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you again soon!


