
30.07.21 - The last days and the days before...

Foillsichte: 04.08.2021

My flight is moving closer. And it's still a lot to organise. Would it ever be different? I doubt it. I'm sitting right here on the ground in the middle of a big mess in my room and waiting for my friend Sally to enjoy one last dinner in Hannover with me for a long time. I mean my flight is just at the third of August so i still have some days left but my life is a mess so I have to move out of my flat before I leave Germany. Means I'm going to bring all my stuff to my parents house and start my journey from there. I am really thankful for having them. They are always there for us - for me and my sister Leni and we can always count on them. And it's also a good thing that we all have the chance to spend the last days together as a family before I leave. My sister is also living in Hannover so we are all not far away from each other - not yet. Today I was a little frustraded because - I mean I already told you my life is a mess - I still have a broken foot. Two bones, broken while I was surfing in Ghana. What I did there? I think I needed to escape. Escape from my life and from the worldwide pandemic. It feels so strange to write down these words like we would life in an science fiction movie but the sh*it is real! And I know many people might judge me, of cause they did, for having left Germany in the middle of a pandemic. It's okay I totally understand. But it was my way, my journey and it felt right going this step - with all these corona tests and quarantine and it was not cheap. But definetely worth it. We had a flight back after six weeks and we canceled our flights I think three or four times. I stopped counting it. In the end I came back after four month. While I write down this words I loose myself in memories...
But that's another story for now. Let's begin with myself.
I am Jo - actually Johanna - and 25 years old. I am from Hannover, Germany. So I grew up here and spend most time of my life here. I study social work and I am going to do my Bachelor next year after I've finished this semester here in Finnland.
So it's time to pack all my things and get ready for this journey I#m taking you with me.
Let's see how my writing skills in english develope, maybe you will notice during the next month.
I'm excited for everything that's coming - hope you too!


A' Ghearmailt
Aithisgean siubhail A' Ghearmailt