
Ards Forest Park

Foillsichte: 12.09.2023

I spent some time in Donegal alone with the dogs so Christian could repair Palumbi.

I have to admit that I had planned a hike for Sunday morning that was again free for dogs, as there was a sign saying "no dogs allowed!". I didn't dare to go, but after a short walk I led Loki back to the car, but despite the drizzle I wasn't willing not to hike.

So I looked for an alternative and found a great option for me and the dogs at Coillte Ards Forest Park. The park is of course frequented by many dog owners, but in summer there are also families looking for free access to the beach and sea.

I arrived unprepared, just saw different paths on the map and marched off with Loki. It was gigantic! The tide was still full and the beaches were 4 times larger than normal. I hiked, looked for some paths and was enchanted.

When Christian wanted more time for the caravan, I also packed up Nerone and went to the park again. In my opinion, the €5 parking fee is also well spent. Nerone found the walk with an off-leash Goldie very fun, and the altitude didn't bother him either! I thought the light, the atmosphere and the park were so good that I went there again with Christian on Monday. We did almost the same lap as I did alone with the dogs, but again it was a lot of fun.

I can recommend the park to everyone, the local café is also open on weekends and serves really good food!


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